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Finally releasing the Easy-Packets asset

For the past year, I have been working on a few multiplayer games with UNet. What I found was that it was a very common use-case to reply to messages, sent by users - for example, when a client sends a request to buy something, server needs to respond about the status of purchase. As projects grew bigger, it became a huge hassle to use standard Unet messaging API (inheriting MessageBase) or RPC's (creates bunch of spaghetti code). To remedy that, I wrote a few small wrapper scripts and other convenient methods, which became a base for any Unet app that I write. As time went by, I found myself copying these wrappers to use from one project to another, as work without them became very tedious. I shared it with some of my collegues, and they kept insisting - "why don't you make it into an asset? I'm sure there are more people who could use this". So here I am, sharing this as my first asset, hoping to make a few extra bucks on the way :)

P.S. Asset is still waiting to be approved into the asset store

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